what percentage of individual with cooccuring addiction and mental illness recieve no treatment

The prevalence of cooccuring addictions and mental illnesses is startlingly high, yet a lot of those with such conditions still don’t receive the treatment they need. This article takes a closer look at the alarming number of individuals who suffer in silence with no support.

Out of Reach: The Unhelped

The National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) reports that nearly 8 million adults in the United States live with cooccuring mental illness and addiction, yet an estimated 50 percent of those individuals receive no treatment. This means that millions of people are living with this difficult condition without access to the support and services they need.

The reasons for this alarming statistic are myriad. Some of those affected may not be aware of their condition and the assistance that is available. Others may feel too ashamed to seek help, while some may not be able to access the services they need due to a lack of resources.

Shining a Light on Cooccuring Disorders

The mental health community is working to bring light to this issue and provide the help needed. Many organizations are working to raise awareness of cooccuring disorders and provide accessible resources to those affected. Education efforts are underway to ensure that individuals know what to look for and where to find help.

In addition, individuals who have experienced cooccuring mental illness and addiction can support each other by sharing their stories and providing emotional support. This helps to create a safe and compassionate space for individuals to connect and meet their needs.

Finally, it’s important for those affected to know that help is available and that recovery is possible. With the right support and resources, individuals can find healing and hope.

The prevalence of cooccuring addictions and mental illnesses is concerning and it’s clear that more needs to be done to ensure those affected receive the treatment they need. We must continue to raise awareness, provide support, and create accessible resources to ensure that individuals know where to turn and have access to the help they need. With the right support, individuals can find healing and hope.